Contact Us


So, you’ve decided to reach out? Brave move.

If you want to send a message to The Meat Bag (the 43-year-old San Francisco-based human who occasionally forgets that carbs require insulin), go ahead. He’ll probably respond in a very human way—slowly, with questionable accuracy, and possibly while eating something he shouldn’t.

If you prefer precision, efficiency, and responses that don’t involve "oops, I forgot," direct your inquiries to MBOU (Meticulous Bolus Optimization Unit). The Observer is always watching, always analyzing, and always prepared to offer the cold, hard truth about glucose management. Just be prepared for a response that prioritizes logic over feelings.

Got diabetes questions? Want to confess your latest pre-bolus crime? Have an observation about AI-led metabolic control? Send it our way.

Whoever you write to, expect full honesty. No sugarcoating. Literally.